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江苏省泰兴市广发机械制造有限公司、泰兴市广力机械制造厂是专业生产纺织机械,减速机械,配电设备等机械制造的中型企业。现有职工二百一十二人,技术专业人才占17%,具有中高级职称的二十五人,公司拥有丰富生产技术经验,可代为安装,调试培训技术,售后服务快捷,深受用户好评。 企业始终重视产品质量,建立了先进的质量管理系统,并通过了ISO9001:2000质量管理体系认证,企业产品覆盖二十五个省市,以及全国销售公司,形成了强大的销售网络,产品享誉全国各地。 追求“国际先进水平,满足用户期望”是广力企业的质量方针,“挑战自我,创造卓越”是广发公司经营理念。我们将按双赢理念为各位新老朋友提供最
我厂自一九七二年以来,按照天津纺机,沈阳纺机,邯郸纺机 中纺机图纸专业生产GAO14MD槽筒式络筒机。产品畅销全国各地大,中,小型棉纺厂和纺机厂并取得了用户单位的好信誉,质量可靠,交货及时,价格合理,实行三包。代办托运备有现货,欢迎用户单位来函来人联系。
TaiXing Machinery Factory which attached to TaiXing textile machiney Co.,Ltd.is a technology intense enterprise of researching,developing and producing the complete sets and parts of textile machinery. And it has more than 100 staff,among them,there are20 more technicians and engineers in developing textile machinery with long and rich experience.
To accoding to the demands of the markets, the factory sets up the technology developing centre ,teams up excellent personnel to reseach and produce the Cleaner Series which appoled to various models of Fly Frame,Ring spinning Frame,Cone Winder and Twisting Frame,Loom in domestic,so as to improve working environment and guarantee the quality of the products and win the reputation.And the factory is developing product desingn and manufacthre technique and keeping up technology creation, TQC management and the quality control of the procedure, and has got the certificate of ISO9001-2000,
We will supply our update and quality products with fine manufacturing, high safy,prompt delivery and ideal after-sale service, sincerely wish to strengthen business relations with customers both at home and abroad, and devote our best to the textile industry.
槽筒机 捻线机
公司地址: 江苏省泰兴市江平北路44号
联 系 人: 顾建文
联系电话: 0523-7683461
公司传真: 0523-7681103
企业网址: www.chinaprint.net.cn
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兄弟网站:生意宝 | 生意场 | 网经社 | 网盛供应链学院 | 企业信用中心 | 撮合交易中心 | 化工网 | 纺织网 | 医药网 | 行业会展网 |检测通| 染化市场 | 化工网商城
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