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Jiangxi Grand Tech Motor Co., Ltd. is a High-Tech Joint Venture specializing in making motors, which was established by jiangxi Guoxi industrial Group Co., Ltd , HongKong Shing Fat Company and JN Motor LLC of USA.
Many qualified experts with technical background are currently working in jiangxi Grand Tech Motor Co., Ltd .By now Grand Tech has been granted several patents and independently possesses the corresponding IPR(intellectual property rights). And Grand Tech is authorized with the exclusive license for a USA advanced technology. Which has been patented in 23 countries (including P.R.china). The inventor of the advanced technology Emi Mihalko is a renowned motor scientist and motor inventor.
Our product --Brushless Slotless PM DC Motor has been used in the railway system , textile industry , medical field, etc. And the product has won high praise from our customers for the best performance price ratio.
Currently, the widely used DC motors are still brushed type (first generation), brushless slotted motor (second generation)are more and more popular . Brushless slotless PM DC Motor has become the pioneer of the third generation for DC Motor because of its performance advantages. Jiangxi Grand Tech share the following philosophy :permanent magnet type is the motor developing trend, bushless type is the developing target for the Dcmotor, and slotless type can improve the motor efficiency and minimum motor size . Grand Tech is specializing in designing and manufacturing brushless and slotless PM DC motors . And our goal is to push forward the china motor industry to a new level.
公司地址: 江西省余江县果喜大道39号
联 系 人: 陈哲明
联系电话: 0701-5888619-809
公司传真: 0701-5881052
企业网址: www.grand-tech.com
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