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Gu Wei Numerical Control Technology Co. Ltd. is located at Shunde, Guangdong Province, China. It is a comprehensive company to combine science technology, industrial and distribution in one-stop-shop. Its main business scopes are to develop, manufacture and promote the control system of machine (include the control system of metal-cutting machine, die-casting machine and textile machine). Meanwhile, it also can maintain and transform the import numerical control equipment.

Gu Wei Numerical Control Technology Co. Ltd. not only has a large number of professional and qualified technician, but also it can get technical support from several domestic famous universities. Hence Gu Wei Numerical Control Technology Co. Ltd. can provide his customers high-performance and high-quality control system.

The mission of Gu Wei Numerical Control Technology Co. Ltd. is to continuously supply the most advanced products, the most powerful technology, the best price and the most reliable service to all customers.
公司地址: 广东省佛山市顺德区伦教霞石工业区东路33号
联 系 人: 何楚彦
联系电话: 0757-27336223
公司传真: 0757-26962903
企业网址: http://www.sdguwei.cn
财经网站:金融界 | 东方财富网 | 新浪财经 | 搜狐财经 | 腾讯财经 | 同花顺财经 | 中金在线 | 七禾网
兄弟网站:生意宝 | 生意场 | 网经社 | 网盛供应链学院 | 企业信用中心 | 撮合交易中心 | 化工网 | 纺织网 | 医药网 | 行业会展网 |检测通| 染化市场 | 化工网商城
特色网站:Chemical Network | ChinaChemical Network | Chemical CAS database | ChemNet Mall | China Commodity price
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