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Hefeng Embroidery Machines Limited is a high-tech enterprise specialized in manufacturing computerized multihead embroidery machines. With a strong technical R&D team and our own production factory, we are one of the few companies in China which have the ability of researching, designing, manufacturing, selling and providing good after-sales serivce. We have consummate quality control system, and have got the award of ISO9001 certificate.
帽成衣绣绣花机, 珠片装置, 单头电脑绣花机, 花边水溶绣花机, 高速绣花机, 平绣机
公司地址: 深圳市布吉镇风门路禾坪岗高科技工业园
联 系 人: 刘红霞
联系电话: 13418502707
公司传真: 0755-89602586
企业网址: http://www.hefengmachine.com
财经网站:金融界 | 东方财富网 | 新浪财经 | 搜狐财经 | 腾讯财经 | 同花顺财经 | 中金在线 | 七禾网
兄弟网站:生意宝 | 生意场 | 网经社 | 网盛供应链学院 | 企业信用中心 | 撮合交易中心 | 化工网 | 纺织网 | 医药网 | 行业会展网 |检测通| 染化市场 | 化工网商城
特色网站:Chemical Network | ChinaChemical Network | Chemical CAS database | ChemNet Mall | China Commodity price
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