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Zhejiang Taitan Co., Ltd.

Zhejiang Taitan Co., Ltd. is one of the state key hi-neo-tech enterprises, one of the key enterprises that develops and manufactures modern textile machinery in china textile industry. It occupies an area of 300,000 m3. It owns a technical center at provincial level, and has Weaving Machinery Factory, Cotton Spinning Machinery Factory, Twisting Machinery Factory, Textile Equipment Factory, and International Trade Company under its jurisdiction. It insists on the management notion of “ management by grouping of factories, development of various products, manufacturing of specialization, facing both domestic and abroad market ” for a long time past, and makes efforts to refine the products, increase the market share, and boost itself. The rotor spinning machine, the air jet spinning machine, the ring spinning machine, the middle and high rank rapier loom, the two-for-one twister, the covering machine, and etc developed and manufactured by Taitan all come up to advanced world standards in the 1990’s. Its products are sold all over the country and exported far to some countries and regions in North America, Southeast Asia, West Asia, and so on. Up to now 26,000 machines manufactured by Taitan have been put into operation by a lot of customers in domestic and abroad.

Rapier Loom;Two-for-one Twister;Covering Machine;Ring Spinning Machine;Rotor Spinning Machine;Winding Machine;Doubling Winder Machine;Doubling and Twisting Machine
公司地址: 30Jiangnan Rd.,Xinchang, Zhejiang,P.R.China
联 系 人: Zhu Haosheng
联系电话: 86-575-6129288
公司传真: 86-575-6129222
企业网址: http://www.chinataitan.com
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